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Great job, used it in one of my games. Thank you !!!


Hi! I used some of your great tracks for my (free) little game "The Last One". Many thanks!


there's such a good variety of tunes in these packs!! the spread here is so generous and versatile. i used wild winds in a tiny bitsy game i made. thanks a ton for sharing!!!


That was a sweet little tale, I'm happy wild winds could add to it! Thank you for your kind words and for sharing that experience back!


Thank you very much for your music, which I used in this game:

That's awesome, I love the vibe of this game and how colorful it is! I think the music fits in really well with an action-puzzle like that. I went to go watch some gameplay of the ZX Spectrum version and those were also some sick 8-bit beats.

Yes, it suits very well. I usually do the music for the games, but this time it was so good that I didn't have to deal with it and I found something I liked in your music. Thanks!

I'm using your music by quoting you in my university project. Thank you for your creations! They are fantastic!

That's way cool! Glad you like what you heard and I hope the project goes well!


Hey, thank you for creating those assets! I used some them in my adventure game for GB Compo 2023. Game is called Bebok. You are credited on the game's main page and in game jam submission questionnaire too. Thanks again! :) <3

That was a great short story experience! Congrats on the jam submission and thanks for including some of my work as part of the adventure!


Hey mate love the music, but In the zip file I'd recommend adding a text document about the license. I did come back to check if credits were required, though some people may miss it and I believe this may prevent some misunderstandings.

I'm no professional but it might be a good idea to keep things safe.

even if the license just states the rules as simple as: credit me, leave a link to my account blah blah blah.

thanks for blessing my ears mate, have a good rest of your year.

Thanks for letting me know! My main concern at first with the license was bad actors claiming the work as their own. Looking back, I'd agree that a README with a set of rules would also definitely help honest folks trying to do the right thing.

In retrospect, such a text document should have been there all along, but sometimes you only figure these things out after the fact.

Glad you enjoyed the tunes, thanks for your kind words, and hope your year goes well too!


Ace work. Introduced me to GB Studio too. Thank you :)

Way cool! Glad I could help kindle some love of GB, and thanks for letting me know! 


Really nice collection. I like the Just Breathe track a lot, feels very organic. 


Thank you so much! I appreciate the validation from such a prolific musician.